Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, here goes. I am new at this blogging but I love to talk so this is as good a place as any.

I went to see Avatar the other day and it blew me away....fantastic, best movie I have seen and I have seen a lot and enjoyed a lot but Avatar wins hands down. Now, I know the storyline is very cliche', but I just didn't care as the effects kept me spellbound. I came home and as luck would have it I had bought myself a new mechanical pencil; a Steadtler Mars Micro o.5mm. I love to draw and as soon as I made the first mark with it, I knew I had a gem. I work spontaneously, the first mark usually guides me the rest of the way. I wasn't surprised to see my own 'Avatar' appearing. This is the finished version.

1 comment:

RiverReeves said...

You are amazing!!! you blogged before I did, and it looks terrific. I've bookmarked the page and can check it regularly, show the girls etc.
